Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Updated Schedule 22nd October

What we have done so far:

  • Expert interview with Julie Maitland
  • Expert interview with Tom Krawec
  • Expert interview with Nick Waring
  • Vox pops (10 so far)
  • Presenting scene for opening of documentary
  • Film mock interview with gamer (skit)
What we plan to do:
  • Film background footage
  • Film remaining presentation scenes
  • Film "reaction to" of violent video games
  • Film opening sequence- game animation
  • film interview with actual gamer

Evidence of contact and organisation for expert interviews

We contacted "experts" via Tyber to check if they were willing and available to answer a few questions for our documentary. Below is a few screenshots of the messages we sent and the replies we received. Also below are the questions we asked them, we sent the questions to them in advance to allow them to prepare.

                                                        Messaging Julie Maitland

Messaging Tom Krawec

Messaging Nick Waring

Friday, 17 October 2014

Progress Checkpoint 2

We have now finished our second week of filming and as a group we feel it is really coming together. On top of last weeks filming we have now filmed three expert interviews and collected a variety of shots for background footage. We filmed our background footage in both sixth form and Solihull as well as capturing some in game footage from a variety of games. Next week we will collect some more Vox Pops from around the sixth form and film our presenters and opening title to our documentary.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Progress Checkpoint 1

We are a week into our filming and so far it is going quite well, we started our filming by experimenting with a dual on screen narrators, we decided to take quite a comic approach to presenting in the style of ant and dec to make our documentary entertaining and for it to engage audiences. Our first attempt wasn't fantastic having no script and sharing a clip on mic however the dynamic worked so we have decided to go through with having two presenters. We have also begun collecting our Vox Pops, thus far we have filmed 4 Vox Pops in different locations in Solihull, and plan to film more at the sixth form college to get a range of backgrounds and opinions. Next week we plan to film our expert interviews and collect background footage. 

    Our first attempt at filming our on screen presenters 

Filming Schedule 13th-17th October

-Tuesday 14th- Julie interview @ 12:40

-Wednesday 15th- Julie interview between 12:30 and 4:00

(Will be interviewed on one of these days, depending on her availability)

-Thursday 16th- Presenting footage Tom and Scott between 12:30  and 2:50

-Friday 17th- Interview with Tom (psychologist) @ 9:40
-Friday 17th- Vox pop interviews- 10:00 onwards.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Contacting "Youtubers"

Throughout today's lesson I found a wide range of people on youtube that have accounts that are purely dedicated to gaming. These accounts consist of game walkthroughs, reviews and general discussion about video games. The videos that the accounts post gain thousands of views making them an ideal person to interview due to their success on the internet. Yet whilst the "Youtubers" are popular on the internet, they are not experts when it comes to the topic. Therefore I feel it is very important to stress the popularity of their videos when mentioning them in the documentary, and not refer to them as any sort of expert. So I sent a message to a range of accounts stressing our situation as students trying to make a documentary about the conroversial topic of video games and anti social behaviour. Here is the message I sent:


Our college group are currently creating a documentary based on the controversial topic of video games. We are answering the question "Do video games influence anti social behaviour?" and we would find it very helpful if we could interview you about the topic. We feel that your enthusiasm in gaming and success online would make you an ideal person to interview. If you could contact me via email: and arrange a Skype or video chat call it would be very helpful in helping us achieve high marks.

Thanks for your time,


I hope to receive a message back soon in order to organise a video call that can be recorded and put into our documentary. I feel that their opinion on the matter will be very helpful to us.

shots and footage from panorama

Research into the documentary genre

Planned locations for our documentary

Concerns and benefits of video games

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

facts and figures of video game addiction

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