Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Radio Trailer Script

We have recently been given the task to create a radio trailer in order to promote our documentary.  I felt that this trailer should reflect the style that we have applied to throughout the production of our documentary. Therefore we made clear efforts in the script to create a funny and lighthearted tone that would apply to our audience. This is the first attempt that we made in creating a radio trailer script....

Scott: Video Games
Tom: But are they actually games!
Scott: Come on we’re on the radio here
Tom: Sorry Scotty why are we here?
Scott: We’re here to promote our new documentary who’s in controller on BBC 3 at 8:30 next Friday
Tom: Oh yeah, that really cool documentary we are both in about the influence of video games on anti-social behavior as well as other things
Scott: That’s the one!
Tom: Never heard of it
Scott: You’re in it
Tom: Am I
Scott: Oh forget it just play the clip Raymond
10 seconds of audio from documentary
Tom: Oh yeah I remember now!
Scott: Goodness me
Raymond: Don’t forget to watch the hit new documentary by the Doganson brothers this Friday 13th at 8:30

Tom: You’d be a right plum to miss it!

Both myself and Tom recorded the voiceover  and uploaded it to the computer. After 10 minutes of editing and repeatedly listening, the group decided to change the script. We felt that the lines were trying to be too funny and we could create more effective piece that would get more to the point. I then took up the task of rewriting a script that was equally as light hearted, yet one that is more to the point and makes our intentions very clear. This is the new script.....

Scott: Video games are everywhere

Tom: They are taking over the world!
Scott: That’s right everyone is playing them
Tom: (Sarcastically) But Scott surely with thousands of children and adults playing videogames worldwide, the amount of time people spend with their friends socialising will be hugely effected?!
Scott: Well what an interesting point Tom! Maybe you should tell these lovely people to tune in our documentary “Who’s complaining about video gaming” on BBC 3 8:30 next Friday
Tom: Yeah that’s a good idea
Scott: Well go on then
Tom: what?
Scott: Tell them
Tom: Tell who?
Scott: The people, about our documentary
Tom: Never heard of it sorry
Scott: Uh just play the clip
Scott: Thats right ladies and gents remember to tune in next Friday at 8:30 on BB3 as we explore the dangerous effects that video games can have on society
Tom: That looks brilliant! I am definitely gonna tune into that
Scott: Tom you do realise your it don’t you?
Tom: Am I? Even better! We’ll see you next Friday at 8:30!

This is still a draft however and we may change the lines again in production


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