Wednesday, 18 March 2015


this is Media Group 4 'Who's Complaining about video gaming' Signing off

Monday, 16 March 2015

Evaluation Tasks 1-4 - Allan Whyte

Task 1


Task 2


Task 4

Evaluation Question 4 - Tom Hogan

Evaluation question 4 from Rossraymondo

Links Used:
Youtube -
Panorama Documentary -

Evaluation Question 3 - Tom Hogan

Evaluation Question 2 - Tom Hogan

Evaluation Question 1 - Tom Hogan

Evaluation question 1 from Rossraymondo

Links used in order of appearance
Super Size Me Trailer
Give Me Shelter Trailer

Pre-Existing material that has inspired our work by Scott Dickinson

Media Evaluation By Scott Dickinson

evaluation question 4 - Dan Clark

evaluation question 3 - Dan Clark

evaluation question 1 & 2 - Dan Clark

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Questionnaire charts for documentary

Questionnaire charts from the radio trailer


We have created a list of questions for people that are going to watch our documentary. This is a method to obtain results for our research and planning. 

Friday, 13 February 2015

creating the radio trailer

Making the radio trailer. 

To create the radio trailer we firstly had to dart off at the most important part which is creating the script and going what we are going to say. We then checked over the script to see what the whole group thought of it. We then made a second script with improvements and then we all agreed on that being the correct script for our radio trailer. Once we had the script how we wanted it, our two presenters Tom and Scott ant off to record it on a voice recorder. We then uploaded that to the group mac computer and then imported that file into the software programme called premier. This allowed us to cut, past, move, speed up or down and many more to the clip. We then added clips from our documentary within the trailer to advertise the style and content of our documentary. we had to keep the length of our radio trailer to around 30 seconds long and we have accomplished that. Once we had done that we then added some jolly and funky music in the background to make it sound better and less boring due to more layers being used. we decided to keep our jokey and fun vibe though out the radio trailer so that it relates to our documentary and keeps the same style throughout all our work. It is also a convention of radio trailers to involve clips from the documentary, background music and a time limit of around 30 seconds. so we did all of these things to try and make ours the best that it could be from our group. 

Production of Magazine

For the production of our magazine, at first we decided to use Photoshop as it provided us various editing tools that were more advanced than other software.
However, during the process we came to the conclusion that using InDesign would've been more effective as the program is tailored more towards creating magazines than photoshop is. For example, it had tools that allowed us to curve text around images, giving it a more professional magazine look. We still used photoshop in our magazine creation for certain aspects, as it provided a more effective editing tool.

One of editing the we have used is the cutting and cropping of photos. For example the group took a photo of both on screen presenters looking behind an xbox, we then used photoshop to cut out the background, just leaving the two group members and the games console. We felt this was effective as the main text was able to surround then image much more easily.

A design that the group originally thought would be a good idea to use a different layout for the magazine. We were going to use a different main image that took over two pages, a familiar convention that is used in magazines. However we were largely running out of space for our main article, so we have to have it overlap the image, and include a fade so it was visible to read. After consistent discussion we decided it was best to get rid of the layout, we felt it looked unprofessional and text was not easy to read. The layout we have now applied is more effective in terms of audience viewing, we have also used a main image that has come directly from the documentary itself.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Different Magazines and Their Audiences

For our final task we have been set to create a double page magazine spread in order to promote our documentary. Much like our other projects, we have tried to take into consideration the target audience when creating this work.

As you can see here, other magazine companies largely consider their target audience when creating their covers. For example BillBoard have a clear target audience for teenagers, therefore they use a wide range of light colours, and a teenage pop idol on the cover. By including these conventions Billboard are able to connect with their demographic effectively, persuading them to buy the magazine. The same effect is used in both "Men's Health" and "Heat", they have both made strong efforts to appeal to the gender that they are aiming for. This is through use of colour, layout and content on the page.

Magazines value their target audience intensively and aim to attend to them as consistently as possible in order to sell their product. Therefore in our magazine we have tried to do the same thing.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Magazine Article

There’s no hiding it video games are huge! In 2014 Video Games sold more than video and music growing by +7.5% to reach £2.5bn (ERA). Video Games are now dominating the entertainment market, which is incredible to think as they where a generally niche thing 20 years ago! But surely with 8 out of 10 homes in the UK owning video gaming consoles (The Telegraph) this would influence anti-social behavior? Well that is the topic explored by Tom Hogan and Scott Dickinson in their new hit documentary ‘Who’s Complaining about Video Gaming”. Following the success of the duo’s prior documentary ‘The Social Net-twerk’ this documentary follows suit with a wacky sense humor and an interesting take on quite a large issue in modern day society. We got the chance to sit down with the twosome to chat about their upcoming documentary, which will air Friday 13th February at 21:00 on BBC 3.

So Scott, Tom, tell us what inspired you to create this documentary?

Tom: I’ve always been a fan of video games, I grew up playing Sonic the Hedgehog on my Dad’s SEGA Megadrive and they really did take up a massive part of my childhood. I wanted to create a film that explored how they can affect anti-social behavior, as they are more prominent now then they have ever been.

What made you take the approach you did when creating the documentary rather than a more serious take?

Scott: Well, when researching into our target audience we found that a more comical approach would draw in a wider audience.

Tom: We also wanted to entertain our audiences and I feel having comedy in our films really makes them memorable rather than another panorama style documentary with a very serious tone

You say you grew up playing Video Games, did you ever feel it made you more anti-social personally?

Scott: When I was growing up I did miss some family events due to playing games, however I never let it priorities over going out with my friends.

Tom: I wouldn’t say it really made me more of an anti-social person; I’ve always been quite a social guy. I feel however a lot of my friends would rather have a game of Fifa or something then play football in the park. And I would feel left out if I don’t go online and join them.

How do you feel this documentary compares to your last endeavor ‘The Social Net-Twerk?

Scott: I feel that this documentary is far superior to our last, for one it’s a topic we are both interested in. We still have the unique humour that our last documentary was praised for but I feel a lot of the jokes and banter found in our newest film is really genuine.
Tom: Yeah we really did enjoy making this film, it’s often people say that but the amount of laughs and jokes we had creating this film was truly astounding.

We really see some of that shine through in the documentary was it all scripted or was some of the dialogue improvised?

 Tom: Actually yes a lot of it us off the cuff, I feel the best humor comes from what’s said at the time

Scott: Yeah most of the time it was just Tom winding me up really

Well chaps is there anything you want to say to entice people to watch this documentary

Scott: If your interested in video games and like a bit of humor tune in

Tom: Yeah I would just say it’s a fun, and interesting documentary that might surprise you.

Thank you Gentlemen

Scott: Thanks

Tom: Cheers Chaps!

Well there you have it, if your interested in watching ‘Who’s Complaining about Video Gaming’ tune in next Friday 13th February at 8:30! You’d be a fool to miss it!

Research into radio trailers

Research into radio trailers

We looked into radio trailers to see the codes and conventions of them to help our trailer be the best it can be.
Firstly, we knew that the voiceover on the radio trailer has to be the two presenters that are in our documentary to help show that the two media products belong together.  Another thing to help link to the media products together is having clips from the documentary in the trailer. This is vital to show off the documentary and attract it to the audience. Another code and convention is keeping the same style of the documentary within the radio trailer. Furthermore if the documentary style was serious and informative then so should our radio trailer, however our documentary is full of jokes and even though it is informative it has a laid back fun feel to it and we have shown that within the radio trailer as well. We have used a voiceover and script that is very gripping to the audience. This is crucial to making it a successful radio trailer. The music that we have used in the background to our radio trailer is very lively and fun this is vital and is a main code and convention the radio trailer. It is a instrumental piece so that it doesn’t attract the audience more then the voiceover. Lastly our trailer gives off all the details that the audience has to know like date time and channel, this is the main part of the trailer because it allowing the audience to be aware of when it is on so they can watch it.

Documentary formal proposal

Our documentary explores the controversial effects that videogames can have on society, we particularly draw upon anti social behavior. Throughout our research of the topic we have used a wide variety of reliable sources to influence our decisions and include in our documentary. The documentary is aimed for 16-21 year olds and people of all genders, lifestyles and class. We felt that this demographic was an interesting one to pick as we were able to include a variety of conventions that would appeal to them, conventions that we think are interesting and entertaining. Our group has largely considered the familiar stereotype that boys play more videogames than girls, and throughout our production we have found evidence that this is true. Therefore our documentary is largely populated by the male gender due to more responsive answers and opinions from them, however we have made efforts to appeal to females as well to avoid limiting ourselves to one particular demographic. The approach we have taken has been unique and unfamiliar, we have applied a comic style that is light hearted and fun in order to reach our young audience. With teenagers obtaining more liberal and modern values than the older generation, they will appreciate and enjoy the style that we have applied. Therefore a suitable channel for our documentary to air on will be BBC3 on Friday 13th of February.

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