Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Different Magazines and Their Audiences

For our final task we have been set to create a double page magazine spread in order to promote our documentary. Much like our other projects, we have tried to take into consideration the target audience when creating this work.

As you can see here, other magazine companies largely consider their target audience when creating their covers. For example BillBoard have a clear target audience for teenagers, therefore they use a wide range of light colours, and a teenage pop idol on the cover. By including these conventions Billboard are able to connect with their demographic effectively, persuading them to buy the magazine. The same effect is used in both "Men's Health" and "Heat", they have both made strong efforts to appeal to the gender that they are aiming for. This is through use of colour, layout and content on the page.

Magazines value their target audience intensively and aim to attend to them as consistently as possible in order to sell their product. Therefore in our magazine we have tried to do the same thing.


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