Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Research into radio trailers

Research into radio trailers

We looked into radio trailers to see the codes and conventions of them to help our trailer be the best it can be.
Firstly, we knew that the voiceover on the radio trailer has to be the two presenters that are in our documentary to help show that the two media products belong together.  Another thing to help link to the media products together is having clips from the documentary in the trailer. This is vital to show off the documentary and attract it to the audience. Another code and convention is keeping the same style of the documentary within the radio trailer. Furthermore if the documentary style was serious and informative then so should our radio trailer, however our documentary is full of jokes and even though it is informative it has a laid back fun feel to it and we have shown that within the radio trailer as well. We have used a voiceover and script that is very gripping to the audience. This is crucial to making it a successful radio trailer. The music that we have used in the background to our radio trailer is very lively and fun this is vital and is a main code and convention the radio trailer. It is a instrumental piece so that it doesn’t attract the audience more then the voiceover. Lastly our trailer gives off all the details that the audience has to know like date time and channel, this is the main part of the trailer because it allowing the audience to be aware of when it is on so they can watch it.


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