creating the radio trailer
Making the radio trailer.
To create the radio trailer we firstly had to dart off at the most important part which is creating the script and going what we are going to say. We then checked over the script to see what the whole group thought of it. We then made a second script with improvements and then we all agreed on that being the correct script for our radio trailer. Once we had the script how we wanted it, our two presenters Tom and Scott ant off to record it on a voice recorder. We then uploaded that to the group mac computer and then imported that file into the software programme called premier. This allowed us to cut, past, move, speed up or down and many more to the clip. We then added clips from our documentary within the trailer to advertise the style and content of our documentary. we had to keep the length of our radio trailer to around 30 seconds long and we have accomplished that. Once we had done that we then added some jolly and funky music in the background to make it sound better and less boring due to more layers being used. we decided to keep our jokey and fun vibe though out the radio trailer so that it relates to our documentary and keeps the same style throughout all our work. It is also a convention of radio trailers to involve clips from the documentary, background music and a time limit of around 30 seconds. so we did all of these things to try and make ours the best that it could be from our group.
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